Connecting the dots .

written @ 11:56 am on 03.02.20

那天占星 App 說:You connect all the dots today.

然後,在 Montreal 被拋下,失眠的晚上他問我可以和他行山嗎?一年多前認識他,知道他是高手後一直很想很想和他行山。他傷感地說應該沒有可能了,突然捉著我的手跟我說他的膝蓋有問題,他下山時會很痛,不可能。然後,後來他還跛了。我們一直覺得能再行山的機會是非常渺茫的。但突然奇蹟出現了。

他在 Connect the dots 前一晚十一時叫我,第一次相約在最難最難五星星的山。我以為他不會出現,但最後能一起走過那風景我真的很高興。他總是認真地取笑我,但我不會敏感,可以做自己也很開心。這幾天了解縱使拖著自己的人不會是我的伴侶,但珍而重之是一份永遠不變的友誼,這樣的感覺也令人很感動、完整,因為這些人不會在你遇上麻煩時離開的。

雖然不能和心裡掛念的人說 I miss you. Yet It's okay.

p.s. Maybe you see them again soon. Or maybe you can't.
Missing someone is tough.

But missing someone means you've been given the chance to love someone and not everybody gets a chance to love somebody.

The fact that you miss someone means you've had amazing times with them, which is a million times better than not having had amazing times at all.

It's okay to miss someone because that means you love someone and that's nothing wrong about that.

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